How To Get Rid of Woodpeckers on Your Stucco

If you have woodpeckers on your stucco, you know how annoying and destructive they can be! These little birds are proven to be fatal for stucco in a short period. Not to mention, their constant pecking can be very loud and irritating. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how to get rid of woodpeckers on your stucco.

Use Visual Deterrents

woodpeckerOne of the best ways to get rid of woodpeckers is by using visual deterrents. There are several different visual deterrents that you can use, including plastic owl decoys, scarecrows, and reflective tape. You can also paint your stucco to make it less appealing to woodpeckers. Electronic woodpecker repellents are another great way to get rid of these birds. These repellents emit an ultrasound that woodpeckers find unpleasant and annoying. They will usually move to a different area once they hear the ultrasound.

Feed Them With Suet Cakes

If you can’t or don’t want to use a visual deterrent, you can try feeding the woodpeckers with suet cakes. Suet cakes are high in fat and protein, which woodpeckers love. They will usually stay away from your stucco once they start eating the suet cake. If you want to keep the woodpeckers around, you can shelter them by installing a woodpecker birdhouse. This will give them a place to stay and breed without causing any damage to your stucco.

Use Woodpecker Netting

Another option is to use woodpecker netting. This type of netting will prevent the woodpeckers from landing on your stucco. It can be a little bit tricky to install, but it’s a very effective way to get rid of these birds. In addition, you can try using deterrent paint. This unique paint contains an ingredient that woodpeckers don’t like. When they see the color, they will usually move to a different area. If woodpeckers have already attacked you, you can repair the holes to discourage them from coming back. There are some different ways to do this, including using metal flashing, caulking, or wood putty. You will make your stucco less appealing to these birds by repairing the holes.


Remove Their Food Source

eatingFinally, you can try removing their food source. Woodpeckers like to eat insects, so you will make your stucco less appealing to them by getting rid of the insects. You can do this by using a pesticide or bug zapper. If you want to try and lure the woodpeckers away from your stucco, you can use a decoy feeder. This feeder contains a portion of food that woodpeckers don’t like. When they see the feeder, they will usually move to another area.

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